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*SUMMER* 3-Full Day Fashion Design Camp Monday-Wednesday 9am-3pm *8 weeks to choose from* Ages 6-18


Summer Camp is back at In Stitches, our most popular weeks of the year! We are Sew excited for a fun filled summer!

Occasionally we will post photos on our social media or use them for our website. Please let us know below if we have permission to take photos of the student.

*By clicking I agree below I hold “In Stitches” harmless and not liable for any accidents that may occur while myself and/or my child is attending sewing class. I also understand that myself and/or my child will be closely supervised in class.

Summer camp is very popular and fills quickly, reserve your spot now to not miss out on a fun summer at InStitches :)

Sewing kit includes-Tools to use at home such as hand sewing, seam gauge, seam ripper, scissors, pins, sketch book & pencils, an in stitches T-shirt, chalk & thread.

Please list any allergies we should know about this student above. All other info we assume is the same.

Child will be able to pick our their t-shirt in the studio.

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3-day camp is one of our most popular camps!

Join us for 18 hours of fun! This camp is good for ages 6-18 and requires no sewing experience. No matter your age and whether you have sewing experience or not you will love this camp! 6 hours is a long day to just sew, so we decided to break it up a bit and will include making a chunk knit with our hands as well! Each day we will take 2 short breaks, one at 11 and one at 1. At 11 one of our staff take a walk to Dunkin Donuts, your child is welcome to join for the walk so feel free to send some cash for dunks or you can pack a nut free snack. Our 1:00 break they are welcome to have a second snack break.

Here is what a full week will look like whether you are a beginner or not-

Day one you will be getting assigned a sewing machine that you will sew on all week. You will be getting a full lesson on it, how to thread and safety. After this, you will begin on a small project to get comfortable on your machine. Once we are comfortable on the machine we will jump into our plans for the week, what our goals are to learn & create, and we will make an inspiration board and even sketch out a few items of clothing. Once we have our plans for our busy week, LET THE FUN BEGIN!! Whether you design something from scratch or you make a board on Pinterest, we will bring it to life! Each sewing project length really depends on the depth of the project and how we make it, such as pattern vs no pattern. We always try to choose the most time efficient way to complete the project.

Day two, three we will be continuing our projects and starting new ones as we finish! We will be working off of our inspiration boards but also pushing to do harder projects as we learn. We will teach necessary skills along the way such as zipper applications, reading patterns, button and buttonholes, hand sewing and SEW much more! with any downtime we will offer draping and other very useful sewing and designing skills.

Here’s what’s included in the price…

  1. All fabric, materials we need to complete our projects

*Please bring a nut free snack and or money for an optional walk to Dunkin Donuts.

*NOTE- Due to a very busy and hectic summer schedule, no refunds or make-ups will be offered for missed classes. You may reschedule to another week with 10 days notice but availability is not guaranteed.

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